The third research meeting of all national team representatives in Western Balkan countries consortium related to the international project „ Accelerating Progress on Effective Tobacco Tax Policies in Low and Middle Income Countries“ was held at the Institute of Economic Sciences, during the September 17th and 18th. This project is supported by the University Illinois in Chicago and funded by the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Product Use. The Institute of Economic Science is the regional coordinator of this research among countries in Western Balkan. Meeting in Belgrade also was attended by representatives of the University Illinois from Chicago, beside representatives of the IES and national research project teams.
The results of research activities during nine months realization of project were presented during two meeting days. The aim of this meeting was exchanging information about production and consumption of tobacco products in all countries, about amount of tax burden on tobacco products and join discussion about experiences, problems and conclusions that occurred during the realization of the main project objectives. During this meeting, the basic elements of the final national study on tobacco taxation and timeframe for the realization of future activities were also presented by all project teams.